Google Chrome Has Added A Share Option For Users

Google Chrome has added a share option for users in the web browser Chrome's address bar.

Google Chrome Has Added A Share Option For Users
Google Chrome has added this option in view of the growing trend of sharing on social media, which has been available for years for the built-in Google Chrome in Android.

After this option is added, a small icon appears on the right side of the Chrome browser's address bar where the web address of any website is typed, in which an arrow pointing out of a square box can be seen.
Clicking on this icon will open a drop down window with various options which have different options from top to bottom. These options include copy link, QR code, cast and save pages. Included are those related to sharing content directly on social media.

It should be noted that this option for Google Chrome installed on desktop computer has been working for almost two years but it has been included in the latest update of Chrome.

Earlier in a blog post from Google, it was stated that the company is facing 25 medium and seven extreme eye-opening security alerts and that this cyber threat will affect all users of Linux Mac operating system and Windows. Will

The blog post states that Google is not sharing data with anyone to protect its users' data.

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