Fear Of Humanitarian Crisis In Afghanistan

 Afghanistan has gone through a long and dangerous, stormy period. Even today due to the economic crisis, where it stands today, if the international community does not realize it, human tragedy could arise. At present, the situation in Afghanistan is very poor economically. Is.

Fear Of Humanitarian Crisis In Afghanistan

People are dying of hunger and poverty. According to a report, 8 million people in Afghanistan are starving for two meals a day. There are five million orphans and helpless children in the womb of economically devastated Afghanistan.

No matter where you go in Afghanistan, no building, no park and no historical place is safe from ruthless whites and bullets. In a war-torn country where dozens of deaths are caused by landmines, the treatment is very cheap but they do not have access to even the slightest headache pill. One in four children in Afghanistan dies before reaching the age of five, according to the World Health Organization.

The helplessness in Afghanistan has increased to such an extent that last winter, on a cold snowy winter night, stormy winds blew, and the bodies of 150 Afghans were found, counting the number of people who died from the cold. 36% of people in rural Afghanistan do not even have access to food.

The number of out-of-school children up to school age is 50%. If you look at the overall poverty rate, one out of every two Afghans is forced to live below the poverty line. One out of every three inhabitants of this devastated country is a refugee.

According to the World Health Organization, 95% of Afghans are mentally ill, while one in five Afghans suffers from mental illness.

Poverty is growing in every street and neighborhood of deprived and helpless Afghans and humanity is sobbing. When will the world peace activists have a chance to reach out to the Afghans who are mired in this mire of deprivation? Anyone who visited Afghanistan returned with grief and sorrow over the plight of the Afghan people.

When I agreed to go to Afghanistan in 1998, we saw the heartbreaking scenes of poverty and misery of the Afghan people with our sinful eyes. After entering Afghanistan, the manifestations of poverty, desolation, horror and civil war are welcomed step by step. While riding for Kabul, I saw a small child.

The baby was limping in the mud, mud on his clothes and his face was like a red rose in the mud and his nose was running. He slapped the glass of our car with his bare hands and then folded his hands and asked for bread. I didn't see that scene. 

I immediately took a double loaf of bread out of my bag and handed it to him and also gave him a few Afghanis. An old man with two poor daughters. He said: "I haven't eaten for two days. We have a disease in our house too."

Pointing to a hotel, he said: "Bring me some bread." I went to the hotel to get some food, then two women raised their hands and said: Took food Traveling by road to Kabul, I saw children and dozens of men and women whose faces were marked with grievances against the colonial powers.

Look at the irony of the capitalist, richest and most powerful countries! On the one hand, those who drink human blood and spend billions on making deadly weapons, on the other hand, more than one billion people all over the world have barely two meals a day.

Of these, 800 million people go to bed hungry and 25,000 of them die every year due to severe malnutrition. The essence of the world powers is that their military might does not diminish and their revenues increase. He is not ready to pay attention to the plight of the poor.

Only one percent of the world's money spent on weapons can be spent on schooling for all those children who do not have access to education due to poverty. The number of children in the world is about 2.2 billion. One billion of these children are living in poverty. All over the world, every 3.6 seconds every day, one person dies of hunger.

Developed countries are proud to announce that we provide millions of dollars in aid to poor countries every year. They do make claims, but they are not. Americans and Europeans spend more than 500 500 billion each year on alcohol and smoking.

Of this, 200 billion Dollar a year could eliminate poverty, hunger, ignorance, dehydration and disease. Governments in developed countries spend billions in the name of peace and the war on terror, but they do not think of the millions of poor people in the Third World who are living below the poverty line.

How do these rich countries call themselves "human rights activists"? Now that there is a threat of a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, the international community and institutions must do their part to help Afghanistan in its humanitarian crisis.

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